
A Cat’s Guide to Money - illustrated purrsonal finance book

Created by Lillian Karabaic, Head Cat in Charge

2nd edition of the approachable, illustrated guide to money with cats explaining everything from budgeting to investing. Missed the campaign? Order here:

Latest Updates from Our Project:

100% of packages have shipped - arrival in time for the meowlidays!
about 5 years ago – Fri, Dec 20, 2019 at 12:42:00 AM

Great Mews! 100% of packages have now been shipped, and all US backers should get them before xmas, and the few international backers left are likely to get before the new year.

If you were still awaiting a package and did not get a shipment notification email from [email protected] - or have not yet gotten any other package that was shipped - please email me and we'll work out what's going on.

Hope you have a meowy xmas, happy hannakat, kittenly kwanzaa and a purrfect new year! 


P.S. Don't fur-get to check out all the fun money challenges on the Oh My Dollar! forums for 2020 - all include special edition (free) cat stickers for completing the challenge!

Planner orders ship this week + Free cat sticker + Cypurr Monday!
over 5 years ago – Sun, Dec 01, 2019 at 10:03:57 PM

I have great mews! The final set of orders, who have been patiently awaiting their planners, will be shipping this week!  

Everyone should get their planners before the holidays ^_^ Thank you for your extreme patience, last 123 planner-loving backers!

A very tired Chief Box Inspector

In other mews:

- A Cat's Guide to Money is now live on Amazon, soon available via Prime in the US. If you have 3 minutes, please leave a review there (or on goodreads). They look very sad with no reviews right now (because we changed the title.) I will be fur-ever grateful.

- If you want to get extra copies of the book as a gift (or any other merch) I'm running a Cypurr Monday sale on the brand-new OMD shop. Use code PURR for 25% off . Plus, we now have DHL international shipping!

The Oh My Dollar! forums have been doing fun monthly budget challenges - we just wrapped up No-Stress November and everyone who completed the challenge will be getting this adorable sticker of Lark, whose human backed the Kickstarter:

Isn't Lark the cutest?

This month's challenge just kicked off with our December Challenge: Get it done GYSTember and multiple savings challenges for 2020. Join the forums - we don't bite! We're actually really nice and supportive (and quite international, too!) Plus, you get free stickers just for working on your money goals.

I hope you're doing excellently. You are meowvalous.

Lillian + Dora, Chief Box Inspector and occasional space bike adventurer

Dora on a bike adventure

Did you have a planner? Need your order ASAP?
over 5 years ago – Mon, Nov 04, 2019 at 10:17:04 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

A GIANT PILE of books has taken over my home!
over 5 years ago – Fri, Oct 18, 2019 at 09:01:07 PM

5 days sooner than expected (but also 3 weeks after originally expected??): 

The books are HERE!!

Getting an entire pallet delivered to my apartment was definitely interesting... it required me moving all the boxes from this giant pallet in the ground floor trash room (the only place with a door big enough for a pallet jack) up to my 3rd story apartment, 5 at a time.  Took me an hour, and definitely counts as my work out for the day.

Yes, it is taller than the dumpster.

But in the end, they're now all crammed into my home office/shipping warehouse/Oh My Dollar! global headquarters. That's about 900 books right there:

Lily for scale

This means I'll start shipping on Sunday, so please make sure if your address has changed, you update the backerkit survey!

We're still waiting on planners to be finished in production before the order containing planners get shipped, but they're being locally produced so I'll be picking them up on my bike next week (luckily they're a lot lighter than a whole pallet of books.)

Hope you are meowvalous,

Lillian and Dora (currently perched on boxes)

Your books ship next week + update on youth workshops!
over 5 years ago – Thu, Oct 17, 2019 at 09:35:23 PM

Dear friends and lovers of purrsonal finance,

I have been informed the regular speed books have cleared customs and hit land. Current tracking information says they will arrive on Tuesday, when I will start shipping them out to you with the help of our Chief Box Inspector, Dora.

If you need to change update your address for shipping next week, please do so now for shipping on Tuesday, October 22nd! You may get an email from Backerkit asking you to lock your address- you only need to do anything if your address has changed recently. 

Thanks to Kickstarter backers, I've been able to give free books and financial workshops to low-income youth (ages 16 - 24).  Over 200 books were donated by backers through Pay It Fur-ward, so thank you!

Yesterday, I went to teach one of these workshops at a drop-in center. The center serves youth without stable housing, At the drop-in center, they can do laundry, take showers, get tents and clothes,  bus tickets, hot meals, "to go" food and toothpaste and such. I loved that everywhere at the center, there were pride flags and trans pride flags and lots of reminders this was a safe space.

These workshops are part of a brand-new program, where if the the youth enroll in community college or a program like Jobcorps,  they then have access to a fund where they can get $400 per month of reimbursement for needs, including bills, self-care and groceries, etc. These workshops will be happening quarterly for the youth in the program (and any other drop-in youth that want to learn about money.)

I can’t show any pics of the youth or tell you details, but one did beautiful doodles in the book and let me take a picture of it:

Cute doodles in the book

At the workshop, we learned about budgeting, values, and credit scores. We also reached a group conclusion that big, fat cats are adorable.

Being able to take time to deliver these workshops, and give books and stickers to all these young folks would not be possible without your support, so thank you! 

It means a lot to have you on our side,

Lillian (Head Cat in Charge) and Dora (Chief Box Inspector - currently napping)

P.S. Last week we started video podcasts for the weekly show. So if you want to see 20 minutes of Dora catnapping behind me while I explain co-pays, check it out.